28 September 2009

Ha, this time really on Monday!

Ok, so I am back in Vienna ... for three days ... well, I'll be back on Friday night - some parties to attend...
Anyway, on the trip to Podersdorf last weekend (I got there from Graz), one w2m turned up, which many colleagues know for quite some time: Dreiervorschlag (proposition of three...). One definitely should use such propositions, may they be regular, irregular, or propositions for four, more frequently! Have much fun sitting in commissions, where these proposals for new professors are assembled, thinking about the suggestions! ;)

20 September 2009


(roundabout in British English) 4 U. & me.

Erfurt was great fun, we were gambling a lot (only once for money). And even the trip back over Dresden had some surprises :). Anyway, I am back in Vienna since 6.30 and off to the ÖMG/DMV meeting in Graz at 17:03.

12 September 2009


I got this w2m while thinking about Austrian politics. Anyway, the Italian railway sucks, but at least I'm back in Vienna to be on my way to Erfurt (vacation uh yeah!).

08 September 2009


I'm off to 43° 15' 50.9'' N, 11° 13' 46,7'' E tomorrow to give a lecture in a summer school on hybrid modeling. (That is Italy, Tuscany, near Siena, didn't you know?!) And the next two weeks I'm also not in Vienna (visiting W&P in Erfurt and the ÖMG/DMV congress in Graz and then ... well, wait and read :) ). And since virtually nobody is at the university during the students holidays, I have nobody to talk to (only virtually). So how should I come up with a "Wort zum Montag", if there is nobody to chat to discuss mathematical problems with.

Well, the solution is simple, I give you some pics from my vacation in Helsinki and Stockholm this sumer:

For the friends of the bachelor (Bakkelauriat, Bak.):

If you like old things (alas, no hidden imperative):

Well, I guess that's an obvious name:

04 September 2009

Friday already!

I was at the EU-conference "The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe" in Gothenburg this week ... I guess this suffices as this weeks entry! ;)
(the "you-know-what-triangle", slow-coach!)